Selected film sound work
- Little Jerry (NYFF)
- Moon Hoax (Adult Swim)
- The Sweet East (upcoming feature)
- Seriously, Sincerely (Elara)
- Stressed Out (Elara)
email contact at ianjb dot com
for a quote. Additional equipment available on request.
# Dialogue / Film sound Kit
Basic Kit:
- Sound Devices Mixpre10tii
- Wireless
- Lectrosonics SRc A1
- 2x Lectrosonics SMDWB A1
- 2x Sanken Cos11-d lavaliers
- Wired
- 11'6" vDB boom pole
- Sanken CS-3e (shotgun)
- Sennheiser MKH50 (supercardiod)
Additional wireless:
- Lectrosonics SRb
- Lectrosonics SMDa + SMa
- Cos11 + DPA microphones
- 3x Sennheiser G3 pairs
Client monitoring:
- Comtek M-216 opt 7 transmitter
- 5x Comtek PR-216 receivers w/ headphones
- Up to 4x Tentacle sync e timecode generators w/ cables
- Denecke TS-3 timecode slate
Plant mics:
- 1x DPA 4097 gooseneck mic
- 2x tentacle track e timecode synced 32-bit float recorders
- Sennheiser MKH-416 shotgun mic
# Ambience recording kit
- Sound Devices Mixpre6ii
- Sony PCM-M10
Stereo recording:
- Sennheiser MKH 8040 matched cardiod pair
- Cinela Albert ORTF windshield
- LOM mikroUši Pro matched omni pair
- Bubblebee windbubbles
Mono mics:
- LOM Geofón seismic measurement mic
- Crank Sturgeon contact mics
- Sennheiser MKH 416, 50, Sanken CS-3e boom mics